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なぜ、これほどまでに人々は「熊野」に惹かれるのだろう… Why are people enchanted by Kumano so greatly? 紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道として2004年7月、世界遺産に登録された熊野。 神代の時代から平安・鎌倉そして現代と、遥かなる時を超えながらも、人々の魂を魅了してやまない熊野とは、いったいどのような場所なのだろうか。 この作品は、いにしえ人達が参詣道として歩いてきた熊野古道や、霊場・熊野三山、そして森や川、磐、滝など、熊野信仰の原点を見つめながら、万人に共通する「祈り」そのものを丁寧に描いている。美しいカメラワークと心に響く音楽、そして見事なナビゲートで熊野の深い世界観を体感することができる珠玉の映像作品である。 Kumano ― Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes of the Kii Mountain Range, were registered as a World Heritage Site in July 2004. What is the Kumano region, a land which has continued to fascinate us over such a long period of time; from the age of the gods, through the Heian and Kamakura Periods to the present, like? This DVD eloquently portrays “prayers” commonly shared by all people, by highlighting the origins of Kumano worship, such as the Kumano ancient road which has long been used by pilgrims, sacred sites of Kumano Sanzan, forests, rivers, rocks and waterfalls. It has been successfully completed as a visual gem which invites us to experience the profound world view of Kumano, through beautiful camera work and moving music, together with its outstanding navigation.
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